• 614-592-9593
  • rabbiJshimberg@gmail.com

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Rosh Chodesh Gathering Cheshvan – חשון

Zoom and Back Deck (weather permitting) Nashville, Tennessee

Rosh Chodesh (head/rosh of the month/chodesh) is a time to celebrate potential in our lives and to release that which is not serving our wellbeing. Chodesh shares a root/shoresh with the Hebrew word new/chadash. In Jewish tradition, our texts tell stories of the ways in which this holy day, when the moon is new and dark, belongs to women. We...


Rosh Chodesh Gathering ~ Kislev – כסלו

Zoom and Back Deck (weather permitting) Nashville, Tennessee

Rosh Chodesh (head/rosh of the month/chodesh) is a time to celebrate potential in our lives and to release that which is not serving our wellbeing. Chodesh shares a root/shoresh with the Hebrew word new/chadash. In Jewish tradition, our texts tell stories of the ways in which this holy day, when the moon is new and dark, belongs to women. We...


Rosh Chodesh Gathering Tevet – טבת ~ Seventh Night of Hanukah ~ Hag HaBanot

Rosh Chodesh Tevet occurs during Hanukah, which begins on the 25th of Kislev. As such, Hanukah is the only Jewish holiday that occurs during two different months. At this dark time of the cycle of the year, we bring light to our windowsills and our homes through the lighting of the Hanukiah - adding a light for each of the...


Nashville’s 2nd (1st In-Person) Earth Seder

Passover has deep ecological roots and underpinnings. The Jewish calendar has kept us connected to the earth and its seasons for millennia, despite our urban and suburban ways of living in modern centuries. We are a people of the land, agrarian in our sacred story, Torah, and liturgy. Our values and ethics are rooted in our responsibility to care for...


Shavuot Shabbaton in Louisville ~ Rabbinic Artist in Residence

Rabbi Shimberg will serve as Rabbinic Artist in Residence in Louisville, Kentucky. She will be offering programming for a joint Tikkun Leil Shavuot and Shavuot morning services with Congregations Adath Jeshurun and Keneseth Israel, and a Kabbalat Shabbat and Shavuot afternoon offering for Kol Israel Congregation of Kentucky (KICK). For more information, click here to open JewishLouisville community calendar.

This is a free program and a contributions of appreciation are most welcome. Click donate button at top right. Thank you!