• 614-592-9593
  • rabbiJshimberg@gmail.com

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Rosh Chodesh Sh’vat

The month of Sh'vat begins, this year, on the evening of Sunday, January 2nd. Rosh Chodesh is an opportunity to welcome the new month. It is also a Jewish holiday that has long be linked, by agadah (Jewish story), to women. This year the months of the Hebrew and the Gregorian calendars are fairly well aligned, however, the Hebrew month...


Lunch & Learn Program sponsored by Jewish Community Relations Committee (Nashville), featuring Alliance for Fair Food, and moderated by Rabbi Jessica Shimberg

Join me in learning from my friend, Uriel Zelaya-Perez of Alliance for Fair Food, and the farmworkers of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), where they will touch on the conditions faced by the essential farmworkers who pick our fruits and vegetables and what you can do to support their demands for dignity and justice in the fields they work....

Abortion Rights in 2021: Jewish and Modern Context (part of Congregation Tifereth Israel’s Dinner, Drinks & Drash series)

Join Rev. Terry Williams (Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice), Rabbi Alex Braver & Rabbi Jessica Shimberg for discussion and conversation about the Jewish legal history on abortion rights, the involvement of rabbinic and other clergy voices in the contemporary struggles to preserve reproductive choice in Ohio and around the country, along with an update on the current legal landscape...


This is a free program and a contributions of appreciation are most welcome. Click donate button at top right. Thank you!