• 614-592-9593
  • rabbiJshimberg@gmail.com

At the Confluence of Memory & Presence

November 30, 2021 ~ 27 Kislev 5782 As we enter Chanukah (the Festival of Light), this year, we are barely finished cleaning up from Thanksgiving and many of us will happily pair our latkes (potato pancakes) with leftover cranberry relish. We often remark about Chanukah being “early” (in close proximity to Thanksgiving in the United States) or “late” (in close…

Holding Uncertainty At The Confluence Of Universality And Particularism

May 28, 2021 “As human beings, we struggle with uncertainty. As Jews, we live it. Torah and Talmud teach us how to sit with uncertainty and how to hold multiple truths. Our wisdom tradition is expansive, not narrow. ” In today’s world of complex and seemingly unproductive conversations, debates, negotiations, and diplomacy at a governmental level, one might desire a return…